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LEH Quote. Page 1 - Library Engagement Hub

Get a Quote for the Library Engagement Hub

Just a few easy steps to get pricing and a formal quote…

We will use this information only to provide you with a quote for our Library Engagement Hub and assist you in configuring a successful patron communications service for your library. This information will not be shared for any other purpose.

Library Borrower Notices

Active Borrower Notices

Provide a fully-featured SMS to each library customer, without needing to do anything

Use SMS borrower reminders as a ‘soft’ promotional tool

Fully integrate a SMS borrower reminders into their own Library Engagement Hub

Library Services

Services Awareness

Measure which services are sought or NOT sought by library customers

Automatically welcome new customers & introduce them to all the services the library offers

Have customers specifically select library services that interest them

Reach specific groups of customers who only want info that exactly matches their interests

Send important messages specific to their interests

Allow the community to suggest new ideas to the library.  If the library likes the idea, it can decide to determine the appetite for the idea from the community

Library Events


‘Sure up’ numbers attending an event using the attendee pre-confirmation feature

Leverage automated waiting lists, registration & cancellation deadline controls etc

Allow attendees to include guest; you can even ask their age & name, in case the event has a minimum age etc

With just one click, reach all attendees of a specific event, without the need for you having to perform data extracts

For example: if at the last minute an event is cancelled where 25 people registered for it via their Email,  17 via their cell/mobile phone number and 5 via their landline number; just one click reaches them all…

Library members Feedback

Community Feedback

Target just those who attended an event to complete a survey specific to an event

Choose to create surveys that are selective (as per point a) above)  or make them available generally

While our Survey component has clear advantages & differentiators, as well as being fully integrated within the LEH environment, LEH also works with external survey systems